To meet the growing demand of Cleaning & Maintenance Industry With the latest art of technology in order to satisfy Our customer.

Ebenezer Facility Management Services
Ebenezer Facility Management Services is an established cleaning service in Ernakulum founded by cleaning industry experts who understand the requirements of a cleaning enterprise alongside the cleaning needs of offices and public buildings. We maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene on the premises under their trained supervision to the satisfaction of clients. Our business strategy includes the implementation of a robust quality management system to continually monitor and measure our performance.
Our Commitment
How We Work

Service Standards
We discuss, agree and plan your cleaning requirement and outline our commitment to delivering service excellence through the implementation of our Service Level Agreement.

Commitment to Quality
We are accountable for the quality of our work and perform to the best of our abilities at all times. Our promise of commitment to quality is embedded within the ongoing training received by our operatives to develop and enhance their skills.

Continuous Improvement
We consistently seek to identify new methods of enhancing our service delivery through reviewing, monitoring, benchmarking, innovation and participation in continuous improvement programs.